Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Win of the Week

Just so everybody knows, I love to scour secondhand stores for unique treasures. My wardrobe consists mainly of free clothes and clothes purchased at secondhand stores. Needless to say, my clothes are very hodgepodge and I have the tendency to look disorganized or slightly schizophrenic when someone peers into my closet.

A long love of my has always been overalls. No, I'm not four. Why do you ask? I have been known to proudly dawn overalls on a fresh summer or spring day. Last week, something magnificence came into my life. It combined the two essential elements of my wardrobe: my love for secondhand stores and my love for overalls.

Presenting the Win of the Week....
 Why yes, these are overalls with sunflowers on them. You can't really tell in this picture but they are actually shorts overalls instead of pant overalls... I'm pretty sure that makes them better. And I know what all of y'all are thinking, "I'm pretty sure I owned those when I was 7." Well, that won't stop me. I will wear them. I will be laughed at. And I won't care. Weelll I will wear them when I shed a few pounds and can fit into them :-)

This article of clothing represents something greater than just a throwback to my child hood. For me it represents the transformational power that clothes can have. If you you wear something playful, it's nearly impossible not to be a little bit more playful. It's hard not to reminisce to all the good things of  your childhood, and wish that you could someway transport yourself back to the your 4th grade playground. If you slip into these and a wide brimmed hat, you will have a good day. No doubt in my mind. The sunflowers will reflect on to your face and heart making everything in the world seem beautiful and carefree.

Man, I am longing for summer or what?!?

Don't forget to daydream...
Yours Truly

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