It was a huge perspective check to immerge myself in their lives for two hours. All other things seemed to fade away... tests that loomed didn't seem as huge... papers were not longer consuming my mind... I was only focused on listening. I wish I could say listening and understanding, but the truth is there is no way I could make sense of the stories I heard. The people I met there faced way more in their lifetimes than most will ever dream of facing. It seemed unreal that these people could coexist in the same 5 mile radius with the workplaces of some of the richest people in the world. I will never be able to see justice in that... I will never understand.
Here is a great (hahaha) picture that I got from my phone. I don't know if you can tell put right next to Skid Row (indicated by the pin point) there are things such as the LA Fashion District, Walt Disney Concert Hall, and approximately a million fancy hotels.
Don't forget to daydream...
Yours Truly
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